Raspberry Pi GoPro adapter

By Skywurz |

I had setup a 3d printed mount so that i could put a rasp pi cam inside of a gopro housing. This was just before i totaled the bike. I had wrote code that you can find at https://github.com/skywurz/PiCam-Gps this was all last year so im not sure where the files are.

Woodfill Tiki printed with sample from The3dstuff.com

By Skywurz |




I printed this tiki with a Woodfill sample i got from www.The3dstuff.com as you can see i had some feeding issues at first and learned that you needed lite pressure from the extruder the sample came with enough that i was able to get a hang of printing with the material and then print something neat. overall i think i will look into picking up a full spool of woodfill.